We find creative solutions to simplify your life by organising and optimising spaces, documents and daily routines.
By doing so we add time and quality to your life, increasing your well-being and happiness.
Susete Lourenço
Susete Lourenço is certified in professional organisation by the International Association of Professions Career College.
She is the first Professional Member in Portugal of the prestigious NAPO - National Association of Productivity & Organizing with the Live Transitions certificate.
She has a degree in Information and Documentation Sciences from Universidade Aberta and was, for 17 years, responsible for the Library and Archive of the CMVM - Securities Market Commission, and for 7 years, responsible for the Documentation Centre of the Lisbon Stock Exchange.
She publishes articles on organisation and productivity in specialised magazines and is the author of the book "Casa Organizada, Vida Feliz", a practical guide of suggestions and advice for transforming the home and coping with moments of transition in life, such as bereavement or divorce.
É a fundadora da Home Optimizer, onde trabalha como Consultora de Organização e Produtividade, desde 2028.
Sócia fundadora e atual presidente da Associação de Especialistas de Organização e Produtividade – APEOP.